
A Guide to Pet Geckos - Everything You Need to Know Before Owning One

Are you considering getting a pet gecko? These fascinating creatures are popular pets due to their unique appearance and low-maintenance nature. However, before bringing one into your home, it's important to educate yourself on their care requirements and behavior. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know to ensure your pet gecko thrives in its new environment.

A Guide to Pet Geckos - Everything You Need to Know Before Owning One

A Guide to Pet Geckos: What are Geckos?

Geckos are small lizards that are native to warm climates such as Africa, Asia, and the Americas. There are over 1,500 species of geckos, with some commonly kept as pets including leopard geckos, crested geckos, and African fat-tailed geckos. Geckos are known for their distinctive appearance, with many species having unique color patterns and the ability to cling to surfaces due to their specialized toe pads.

Geckos as Pets: What You Need to Know

If you're considering getting a pet gecko, it's important to understand their care requirements and behavior. Here are some key things to consider:

  • Enclosure: Geckos need a secure enclosure that provides adequate space for them to move around and climb. A 20-gallon tank is typically sufficient for one gecko, with larger enclosures needed for multiple geckos.
  • Lighting and Heating: Geckos require a heat source and UVB lighting to simulate their natural environment. You'll need to provide a basking spot and a cooler area in the enclosure, as well as a heat source and UVB bulb.
  • Diet: Geckos are carnivores and require a diet that includes live insects such as crickets, mealworms, and roaches. You'll need to dust their food with calcium and vitamin supplements to ensure they receive proper nutrition.
  • Handling: While some geckos can be handled, they generally prefer to be left alone. If you do handle your gecko, be gentle and avoid grasping their tail, as it may detach as a defense mechanism.

Geckos Behavior: Understanding Your Pet's Behavior

Geckos have unique behaviors that can provide insight into their health and well-being. Here are some common behaviors to look out for:

  • Basking: Geckos will often bask under their heat source to regulate their body temperature.
  • Shedding: Geckos shed their skin periodically, and you may notice them rubbing against objects or eating their shed skin.
  • Tail Wagging: Some geckos will wag their tail as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened.
  • Vocalization: While not all geckos vocalize, some species will make chirping or barking sounds.

Geckos Care: Maintaining Your Pet's Health

To keep your pet gecko healthy, you'll need to provide proper care and maintenance. Here are some tips to help you maintain your gecko's health:

  • Regular cleaning: Geckos need a clean enclosure to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Clean the enclosure at least once a week, removing any uneaten food or feces.
  • Provide fresh water: Geckos need a source of fresh, clean water at all times. Use a shallow dish that they can easily access without drowning.
  • Monitor temperature and humidity: Geckos require a specific temperature and humidity range to thrive. Use a thermometer and hygrometer to monitor these levels and make adjustments as needed.
  • Schedule veterinary check-ups: Regular veterinary check-ups can help detect any health issues early on and prevent them from becoming serious.

Geckos Common Health Issues: What to Look Out For

Despite their hardiness, geckos can still experience health issues. Here are some common health issues to be aware of:

  • Metabolic bone disease: This is a common condition in geckos that can result from a lack of proper nutrition or UVB lighting.
  • Parasites: Geckos can become infected with parasites such as mites, ticks, and worms.
  • Respiratory infections: Geckos can develop respiratory infections if their enclosure is too cold or damp.

If you notice any signs of illness in your gecko, such as lethargy, lack of appetite, or unusual behavior, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Geckos Breeding: Reproduction and Egg Incubation

Breeding geckos can be a rewarding experience, but it's important to understand the process and requirements. Here are some tips for breeding and egg incubation:

  • Determine gender: Geckos have specific gender characteristics that can help you determine their sex. Consult with a veterinarian or experienced breeder to determine the gender of your geckos.
  • Provide a breeding enclosure: Geckos require a separate enclosure for breeding, with proper lighting and heating.
  • Incubate eggs: After breeding, geckos will lay eggs that require incubation. Use an incubator to maintain a specific temperature and humidity level.


Q: What is the lifespan of a pet gecko?

A: The lifespan of a pet gecko can vary depending on the species, but many live between 10-20 years with proper care.

Q: Can geckos live together?

A: While some species of geckos can cohabitate, it's generally not recommended as it can lead to aggression and stress.

Q: Do geckos require special lighting?

A: Yes, geckos require UVB lighting to simulate their natural environment and prevent health issues such as metabolic bone disease.

Q: Can geckos be housed with other pets?

A: No, geckos should not be housed with other pets as they can be seen as prey and may be injured or killed

Geckos Conclusion: Are Geckos the Right Pet for You?

Geckos can make fascinating pets for those who are willing to provide proper care and maintenance. Before bringing a gecko into your home, make sure you understand their requirements and behavior. With the right care, your gecko can thrive and live a long, healthy life.

In conclusion, A Guide to Pet Geckos has provided you with all the essential information you need to know about owning a pet gecko. From their behavior to their care requirements and health issues, this guide has covered everything you need to ensure your gecko thrives in its new environment. Remember, owning a pet gecko is a big responsibility, but with proper care and attention, they can make wonderful and fascinating pets.
